This month will be doing a sketch challenge here
Here's SK Sketch #3 created
by our Creative Advisor, Jessy
The challenge is to do a layout based on the sketch
The layout has to be kids related
Designs are open to your own interpretation
but they have to be recognizable

Here are our RDs' interpretation on the sketch

"I just love doing this layout using the sketch!
I was able to put in several pics of our
Frappacino break in one layout
We have these phtos taken when
my mom was here for a visit
I had a blast using the Hambly transparencies
on my page as well as the splattering of acrylic paint
on my base"

"Summer of 2009
was spent in the beaches of Laiya, Batangas
It was always exciting to bond with the boys
Tattoo session with Luigi
and just plain water splashing with little Chuy and Daddy"

"A great sketch to compile Adam's
1st day of school pictures
Adam was having mixed feeling
on his 1st day
and in fact, Mama was excited too"
Here are the layouts created by our DTs
Thanks to Aniza, Michelle, Vivs, Wendy & Yvette
for inspiring us the past 6 months :)

"You are gonna be three soon
My! How time flies!
You have been asking us to buy you a tri-scotter
We told you that you have to be bigger
to play the tri-scotter
That's why nowadays, everytime you eat or have your milk
you would tell us that you have grown
and really for this!"

"Sean had his birthday at Skytrex last month
Eric took so many wonderful photos of him
and hence this sketch is perfect for me
to put all the photos together
I have chose to make a messy layout
and love how I could add on so many
embellishments and making it very boyish layout"

"There are no words to say
but your existance has keep us alive
You are the key to our happiness
Let this moment stay forever"

"The kids love helping out in the garden,
and when it is time to harvest the vegies
it is even so
Potato picking is super exciting
as you just never know
what you are going to find
Tiny baby potatoes through to
giant alien mutations
sooo much fun!"
Do link your layout (on your blog) in the comments section
or send us a copy by email to
Please submit by
Tuesday, 30th June 2009 Midnight Eastern Time
International scrappers are most welcome to join this challenge
SK Crew will pick one favourite layout
and the winner will be announce
on Wednesday, 1st July 2009
Do share your creations with us!